Sunday, April 15, 2012

The Checklist

I still have a ton of things to do before I leave...  Most of them need to get done before I leave Miami in June.  I wanted to create a checklist of the things I still need to get done in order to try to organize myself better.

1)  Get a letter from the University officially saying that I have been accepted (4/17/12)
2)  Apply for a Mexican Student Visa and GET APPROVED!  (Can't get the visa till I get down to Mexico)
3)  Get insurance coverage for the year I will be abroad (4/21/12)
4)  Get a medical exam, vision, dental and overall health screening
5)  Make sure there are no shots that I need to get
6)  Find a way to get my cat, PJ, to Wisconsin
7)  Buy plane tickets to Mexico (4/22/12)
8)  Turn in final paperwork to the Rotary Foundation
9)  Give presentation to the Rotary Club of Coral Gables
10) Sell all my furniture
11) Go through everything that I own and decide what I want to keep or donate
12) Sell my car
13) Plan a going away party (5/31/12)
14) Go to the Ambassadorial Scholarship Orientation in Tampa
15)  LAST BUT NOT LEAST figure out how to pack a year's worth of stuff in one suitcase!  :)

That's not that much right?!?!?!  :)  I have been working very hard all weekend long to make sure I get as much stuff done as possible as you can see from the picture below!  :) 

Walking around after brunch on Miami Beach this Sunday Funday afternoon!  :)
I dyed my hair by the way... 
Let's just hope I can get it all done before the end of June!!

1 comment:

  1. jaja...looks just like my checklist in many ways. It's gonna be exciting!
