Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Semana Santa -- Holy Week

Semana Santa is an annual christian holiday intended to commemoration the passion, death and resurrection of Jesus.  It begins on Palm Sunday and ends on Resurrection Sunday with everyday having its own meaning and celebration.  Some say that the festival really begins the Friday before Palm Sunday called Pain Friday.

It doesn't have a set date of celebration, usuallyl its the last week of Lent, landing typically in March or April.  Lent ends on Maude Thursday which is supposed to represent the day of the last supper and the following Friday, Good Friday, represents the crucification of Jesus.  The Resurrection is called Saint Saturday and then finally you have Resurrection Sunday also known as Easter.

In Mexico, Semana Santa is a very religious and serious holiday.  Maybe people will go on vacation that week, but many people also stay at home and attend various church services during the Saint Days.

Here is what each day is called in Spanish and what it represents.

Domingo de Ramos. 
The day Jesus arrived to Jerusalem.
Lunes Santo. The Day Jesus arrived at Lazarith's House and also the day he destroyed/kicked everyone out of the market in front of the Temple of Jerusalem.
Martes Santo. The day Jesus told his disciples they were going to betray him.
Miércoles Santo. The day Judas betrayed Jesus.
Jueves Santo. THe day Jesus washed his disciples feet and the day of the Last Supper.Also the day of Jesus' arrest.
Viernes Santo.  The day of the interrogations of Herod and Pilot.  The day of the Crucifixion.
Sábado Santo.  The day he was put into the tomb.
Domingo de Resurrección.  Easter.  the day of Resurrection

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